Cocooned in our fragile certainties
We fail to hear or see
Our looming, manufactured catastrophe
As avarice and arrogance
Headlong in equal measure
Poison and desolate
This marvellous earth we treasure.
How is it that we acquiesce
To these authors of our distress?
Accept, conspire, and even applaud,
The vulgar sowers of our discord
Peddling a bankrupt ideology
That savages our precious ecology.
Giving way to these wanton thieves and liars
Who stoke the flames and set the fires…
And yet,
And yet, we dreamily demur
From this heinous, vital spur
Pretend we’re blind to the devastation
And mortal wounds to our shared creation
Struggling to avoid or understand
The irreparable damage done to our land
For we surely know they wither and damn us
As we feed them the rope that hangs us
But we block our ears and shake our heads
And in guilt and shame take to our beds,
Yes we know in our hearts it’s not enough
To turn away, and not call their bluff
We have to change
We must re-order
Or stay the same
And face the slaughter.