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Who is that?

Who are we

We think we see?

And who is that

At the mirror sat?

Look more deeply

In your mirror,

Search those eyes

And you will shiver

Do you really know

Who looks back at you?

Which one is figuring

Just who is who?


For there’s a portal

In the eye

We gaze around

Afraid to spy,

That we deftly avoid

As though a plague

To keep our interactions,

Comfortably vague.

Not just the ones

We reserve for others

But from our restless conscience

That will always bother.


Avoiding your reflections

Will have you sapped

But spend time preening

And you’ll be trapped,

Caught in your reflections spell

To live your own dull devil's hell


Our constant gnawing disaffection

Is galvanised by self-reflection

Leaving us powerless to do a thing

But to our hall of mirrors cling

Unable to get over the idea of ourselves

Unable to climb down from lofty shelves

Yet we only have to step to the verge

To find extraordinary facets 

Of ourselves emerge.

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